Disability and Inclusion
Stephen R Covey once said, “Strength lies in our differences, not our similarities.”
Disability inclusion is the process of promoting the participation of people with disabilities in day to day roles and activities. This involves more than encouragement as their participation makes up for a more diverse and friendly community. Their inclusion results in a betterment of lifestyles as well as the opportunity to earn a living income..
There have been many stories of where lives have been transformed through that of inclusion
Personally, I have the honor of sharing the story of my aunt. At a young ageRashmiMuddaiahwas diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, an ailment that involves the breakdown of cells at the retina. This loss in eyesight had made various acts of life difficult for her. But this was nothing but a small hiccup in her path of life..
She continues to strive in her field, where she in her profession at CISCO Systems helping those with similar disabilities to attain jobs of different sizes and statures. Not only has that of inclusion helped her but also it is an example of how many hidden gems are lying beneath the fence of disability.
The boundaries disabilities produce hampers the smooth road of the one afflicted by it. It creates unnecessary obstacles that block the many talents one possesses. Without inclusion, a company or organization may miss out on various individuals who possess wonderful job requirements but are inhibited to work towards it because of their disabilities.
Now one may ask, “How can an organization foster the needs of inclusion towards those who need it?”
The first and most basic step is acceptance. That is when organizations are ready to accept those employees with certain needs and providing them with the necessities that they require to perform their designated tasks. This small step sets the ship sailing.